AAPP Perspective: December 2023

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Where Pharmacy and Psychiatry Meet-Join Us at AAPP 2024-April 7-10

Customized, Energizing, Unique, Targeted—these are all adjectives used to describe the AAPP Annual Meeting. The opportunity to participate in this high quality, practical event is now available for 2024. Join us April 7-10, 2024 in Orlando, Florida to experience cutting-edge keynotes on transforming mental health care, the ethical and practical application of psychedelic treatment, and the impact of gun violence on mental health as well as targeted, concurrent programming on the treatment management of insomnia, borderline personality disorder, illicit substance, and so much more. Complimenting this outstanding line-up of speakers and sessions are research poster sessions, peer-to-peer idea exchanges, and numerous opportunities for networking with your colleagues. Whether registering to attend in-person or virtually, join us April 7-10, Where Pharmacy and Psychiatry Meet!